Contact Us


    When a website is based on a two-way communication system then connecting with readers becomes an essential part of its management. Interacting with people who are interested in my product is something I value more than anything else. It allows me to know about them and their expectations from the website. I get to know about their psyche, thoughts, and ideas which guide me to grow as a gardener and as a website owner. 

    There are plenty of useful websites that never achieved greatness because of their lazy attitude towards connecting with real people. It is the sole reason many website owners are not able to continue their project with the same enthusiasm they once had.  Hence, you are bound to come across many blogs which are left hanging with no support or new content. Not only does it waste time and effort used for its development but also kills dreams. 

    I was lucky to understand the logic way before I knew about websites and online consultancy. Connecting with readers can be regarded as a PR process, and I have always been keen on meeting and interacting with people forever. Thus, communicating with my readers was never a hassle but a task I enjoyed doing every day. 

    Keeping these things in mind let us know about the first medium to contact me.  Visiting the “Contact” page is something you are used too, and this website is no different. You can send your message by registering your name and email ID, and the whole process won’t take more than half a minute. I want to specify the context of your message by filling in the subject which will help in preparing for your message’s reply. 

    Again, sending a direct message is the best way to reach me as it is a formal method that directly comes from my website. I do not have to worry about the authenticity of your intentions or take your message as an unnecessary joke. It also allows me to check out your history if you are a regular sender.  I get to know about you before I even read your messages. 

     Thus, contacting me through the website guarantees my attention over your message. Although, I am not able to send quick messages, due to my hectic schedule, yet I send every reply to make sure that your grievances are settled as soon as possible. 

    However, I would request you to send a short and precise message that saves yours and my time. We all have limited energy and must not waste it on writing trivial things. I am keen on replying to short messages and if you want feedback in less time then avoid more significant paragraphs. 

    The second method to contact me is by following me on all major social media platforms. I regularly update my pages and inform you about the insights of having a website to manage. I also tell you about the current and upcoming projects I’ll be working on. Plus, you get to know about the articles that I am about to publish. Furthermore, you get to meet like-minded people who will listen and share their stories with you. Our community welcomes anybody in love with gardening and would like to help and guide people.

    Lastly, you can also get answers to your queries regarding a particular article by commenting upon it. Not only you will quick reply, but you will also become the voice of others who might have the same doubt. It also helps me recognize flaws, and I work hard to eliminate the negatives in the upcoming projects.  Apart from criticism, I am quite happy to know about the people who like my work, and their suggestions mean a lot to this website. 

    All in all, connecting with my readers is my priority, and I would love to know more about those who read my articles. You are the base of this website and settling your concerns is a task I would never give up on.  Make sure you do send me your messages about even for the slightest doubts as it will only help me in developing a bigger and better website. 

    Have a happy gardening time and do not forget to become a member of our happy gardening society.
